Parents |
Grandparents |
Great Grandparents |
Great Great Grandparents |
Great Great Great Grandparents |
Great Great Great Great Grandparents |
Farriers Krem Donovan ML
cream |
Morgandox Fonzie Bear ML
cream |
CH Merri-King Aladdin Doxology
cream |
CH Merri-King English Lad ML
red |
CH Priorsgate Peter Piper (UK)
cream long |
Pure Cream Of Priorsgate |
Priorsgate Peach Blossom |
Monti-Dachs Chantilly Lace L
red long |
Merri-King Frosty Ruben
ML |
Wilson's Holly II |
Webwood's Bon Bon Sonnenfels
choc & tan |
Webers Hobby Horse L
red |
Tallavast Sky Jumper ML |
Webers Klein Leibling |
Fairlawns Pumpkin MS
red |
Edisto Gold Dust Twin MS |
Edisto Molly Cool MS |
ENG CH Merri-King-Silkey-Splendor
red |
ENG CH Merri-King English Lad ML
red |
CH Priorsgate Peter Piper (UK)
cream long |
Pure Cream of Priorsgate |
Priorsgate Peach Blossom |
Monti-Dachs Chantilly Lace L
red long |
Merri-King Frosty Ruben ML |
Wilson's Holly II |
Sarou's October Glow ML
blk & tan |
August Von Fox Boro |
Schultz von Schmitt ML |
Heidi von Schmitt |
Foxfire's Wee Lil Jenny |
CH Dachsheiders Gambler ML |
CH Run-Fo Aggies Got A Secret |
Farriers Total Surprise ML
red |
CH Merri-King Collectors Ed ML
red |
CH Merri-King Patent Pending ML
cream |
CH Merri-King Aladdin Doxology
cream long |
ENG CH Merri-King English Lad
ML |
Webwood's Bon Bon Sonnenfels |
ENG CH Merri-King Silkey-Splendor
red long |
ENG CH Merri-King English
Lad ML |
Sarou's October Glow ML |
ENG CH Merri-King Jazzy Genes ML
red |
ENG CH Merri-King English Lad ML
red mini long |
CH Priorsgate Peter Piper
(UK) |
Monti-Dachs Chantilly Lace L |
Merri-King Klutzie |
Han-Jo's Wee Trooper ML |
Merri-King Gucci Gussi ML |
Hannah's Favor
Harmony Farms Barney Be Bop |
Harmony's Black Bear |
Harmony's Babee |
BJ's Snitzle
blk & tan |
Hershey Chocolate Hero |
Lamkin's Conan ML |
Lamkins Ambergold ML |
Tri-Mi Cinnamon's Loyal
Julie |
Weeniewagon Minimum Bet
red |
Putting On The Ritz Fritz
wld br |
Romeo Smith
blk & tan |
Brazeal's Black Magic
red |
Brazeal's Kandie
red |
Cocoa Smith IV
choc & tan |
Bozes Masked Bandit
wld br |
Danielle's Sweet Return
shaded red |
Dianna's Angel Baby Kisses
shaded red |
red |
LK Mace
red |
DJ's Pollyanna
red dapple |
Willowcroft Angelique SO
red |
CH Eagle Red of Teckel Yumi Royal (JPN)
red |
Willowcroft Star Song SL
red |